Recovering Uncommitted Files After Git Reset
You may have a very painful memory. Yes, I will now tell this painful story…
I was working on a project (experimental) again. I worked hard for 2 nights and got a successful result. I said, let me create a repo on Github (private) for this and I did. I added my remote URL and…
git add .
After adding the files, I said wait, let me first ignore the vendor, etc. by reverting it.
git reset --hard
#......... 😨
I said and at that moment, I experienced the regret of losing all the files. I started to sweat coldly. I immediately googled recover uncommitted files after git reset –hard and so on…
I found this stackoverflow answer:
Thank goodness, since I lost only 3-5 files (a small number), I found the files I had to recover one by one by saying git show xxxxxxx for each dangling blob, and I saved them.